I've always considered myself to be the hands on type of artist. I like to get my hands all inky and dirty. However, when my art started sending me on digital quests to make my hands-on art better, I got bit a little by the technology bug. I'm no stranger to computers. I've had one since 1994, when my son's stupid neurologist said I should buy him one to do educational things on. He obviously underestimated the intelligence of said child to find games and gaming communities at the tender age of 9 before the kind of online gaming we have now even existed. So my son basically taught me a lot of what I know. That was 18 years ago and I've learned a lot about computers, both pc and macs, though I prefer a mac any day of the week. But sitting and learning about digital memory keeping was not something I ever thought I'd think was interesting. Recently though, because of my desire to learn Photoshop, I signed up for Jessica Sprague's "Up and Running v.02" and I finished my first LO last night with a quick page and I must say though I did encounter some issues here and there I was able to finish it. It makes me happy to look at it too. It is two pictures of my son that are a couple of my favorites of him when he was little. He is a man now expecting his own son in October and I'm really looking forward to documenting that little guy's life. So, if you think you won't like the digital scrapbooking, give it some time. You might just get bit too!
Here's my LO. Hope you enjoy it as much as I am.
Kellye Kimmel
The Distressed Crafter
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